Arborists: Who We Are


Climbing a tree

Arborists are trained professionals educated in the art and science of cultivation, management, and study of trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants; arboriculture.  Arborists generally focus on the health, safety, and appearance of individual plants and trees, rather than managing forests, those folks are foresters.

The Massachusetts Arborist Association ( pioneered a rigorous certification program in 1957 and continually sets a challenging standard. The International Association of Arboriculture ( initiated its worldwide certification program in 1992.

Most field personnel at Barrett Tree Service East have earned both the Massachusetts Certified Arborist designation and ISA Certification, in addition to other advanced degrees and proficiencies.  Although important and a source of pride, we also recognize certification as only a foundation for the expertise and knowledge required to care for our client’s properties and the trees of Greater Boston.

Arboriculture: it's what we do.
