Winter Tree Care


Caring for the health and safety of your landscape during the dormant season provides decided benefits and value.  In fact, winter is often BTSE’s preferred time for pruning most shade and ornamental trees.  There are several advantages to pruning trees in the greater Boston area during the dormant season.

The dormant season refers to the time after leaves have fallen in the fall and before the new leaves emerge in the spring.  During this time, a tree’s structure is unobstructed by foliage so the branches are easier to inspect.  Similar to an x-ray of the human body, branch structure is more apparent without foliage.  This exposed framework allows our arborists to quickly evaluate a tree’s structural integrity.

Work can be performed with less disruption when yards are less intensely used.  Large tree pruning and removals are often accomplished more efficiently because of increased equipment access.  Frozen ground and snow cover provides improved opportunities to work over lawns, gardens, and other areas that could be damaged during other times of the year.  Flowers are also dormant, so work can proceed without damaging them.  Cleanup may also be reduced because with no foliage only limbs are removed, saving both time and money.

During this biologically quiet season, there’s also less disease and insect presence, and interestingly, research suggests that pruning wounds made during the winter close faster than those made during the active growing season.  Dormant pruning is a stimulating process for trees and trees in our region respond to dormant care with consistent growth.

Not to be overlooked is BTSE’s unique team of arborists and field crews.  Barrett Tree Service East provides year-round work for all of its employees.  This commitment to our staff allows us to assemble and retain the talented and experienced professionals that skillfully and consistently tend to your trees.

Valuable benefits are provided by performing many tree care operations during a tree’s dormancy. Let us prune your trees for their health and your peace of mind.  Contact one of our Certified Arborists to in discuss your dormant season care thanks for the opportunity to help care for your trees all seasons of the year.
